Q. I feel that I'm badly lacking “Tawaqqul.”
If I lose anything or make a bad decision, I'm unsure if it's my own fault or
my fate (Qadr). I have all the
necessities of life and am about to finish my Master's degree in horticulture,
but I feel like this was a poor career decision. From an Islamic viewpoint,
please help me to understand if this is written in my fate according to Allah's
A. The concepts of Qadr and Tawaqqul
are much misunderstood in our glorious religion. Qadr
has been interpreted to mean predestination when it is anything but
predestination -- it simply means that things are measured out accordingly. A
human has all that is requisite for him/her to function as such (mentally and
physically), therefore, for a human to fly would be something “ghair
i.e. outside of his/her Qadr. Surat
al-Shams tells
us: And the being which Allah shapes, and gives it the potential of evil and
good conscience; indeed he who purifies this being succeeds, and he who
desecrates this being fails. The translation is functional but it basically
tells us that to rely on Qadr as
"fate" is un-Islamic to the very core: how dare Allah take us to task
if things are “predestined”?
is related to tawaqqul, because once we
have done the best that we can do, relying on our religious and other knowledge
to select a course in life that we feel is advantageous to us and to others,
then we trust in God. It is possible that we may sometimes feel that we have
made the wrong decision, and it is equally possible that we may indeed have
made the wrong choice, but this is one of the facets that separate us from the
lower animals -- we can change things. It is possible, for example, that the
profession of your choosing is not the correct one
at the moment, but this may be temporary, and you have to rely on your inner
strength to weather this crisis. A horticulturalist is one of the persons who
witnesses first hand Allah's power of creation -- in the same manner that a
tree or a shrub powers through periods of drought to survive -- it is an
example for us who have the faculty of the mind, the recourse of prayer, and
the ability to move to better places.
background may have influenced your present state of mind, and it is dangerous
for a non-specialist in psychology to give advice on this. Look to your own
power, after all Allah has created you in the best of molds, and did not create
you for mere play. The great Protestant reformer Martin Luther felt that each
person had a “beruf” -- a calling, perchance
horticulture is indeed your calling. Rather than question yourself negatively,
look to the future positively. I note that you are at the Master’s stage of
your studies, and from experience this is a time of extreme self-questioning. I
am almost sure that if you question your peers or counterparts in other fields
of study, you will find that they are asking the same questions. Your questions
are therefore to be considered natural and not a lack in trusting yourself and
a similar question and answer on Predestination
for additional information.
April 6, 2002