in the name of God cannot be abided
Khaleel Mohammed
Last week, in Peshawar,
Pakistan, after careful planning, a Taliban group entered a school and
slaughtered 132 of its pupils.
If something of a similar
nature had occurred in the United States, the world would have reacted with
utter disbelief, and had the perpetrators not been brought to swift justice,
the country would have spared no expense in hunting down the killers.
Why, then, has the incident
been all but forgotten, and the killers still brazen enough to threaten further
acts of terror?
The answer is rather simple:
The appalling frequency of this madness in Muslim-majority nations has
desensitized the rest of the world’s citizens to its horror.
It is not that senseless
murder does not occur in the United States. After all, we have had our Sandy
Hook, Virginia Tech and other examples of wanton violence. The difference,
however, is that while the criminal acts in the U.S. are not generally
committed in the name of religion, almost every single act of mass murder
committed in the Muslim-majority countries has been — and continues to be
perpetrated — in the name of God.
Instead of effective
condemnation by Muslim leaders, acts of coreligionist violence are often met
with double-talk that boggles the mind. As a professor of religion, and as a
Muslim, I am often answered with the most puerile polemic when I confront those
who apologize for Muslim atrocity.
I am told, for example, that
the perpetrators are not true Muslims, or that the actions of a satanic few
ought not tarnish the image of Islam.
Or I am told about the much
bloodier history of Christianity, with its Crusades and its handling of
presumed heretics within its fold.
The fact of the matter is
that no Muslim has the right to say who is or is not a “true” Muslim, and that
the murderers don’t give a jot about if others consider them as adhering to
Islam: as far as they are concerned, they are acting in God’s name.
Sadly, the actions of a few,
when they become so horrendous and impact so many, will be the yardstick that
people use to measure the values of a religion.
As far as Christianity goes,
no researcher denies that faith’s bloody past. Muslims would indeed learn much
from a careful study of that past rather than misuse it as a polemic tool.
Christian nations left their religious bloodletting when they chose secularism
over theocracy and made the separation between church and state.
Christian preachers today
focus on Jesus as the prince of peace rather than some instrument of violent
change. Those who seek to promote violence are discredited and debunked by
their coreligionists.
In contrast, many
majority-Muslim nations, adhering to some vision of return to an irretrievable
past, still govern through theocracies that, in the modern world, are basically
fronts for institutional tyranny and oppression.
Muslim leaders seem to have
a problem decrying violence when it occurs in the name of God. And thus, the
very nation that has produced such wonderful paragons as Professor Fazlur Rahman, Abdul Sattar Edhi, Mukhtar Mai and Malala Yusufzai can see these figures sidelined, never mentioned
by leaders, while at the same time the mullahs
defend and sometimes praise the powerful and murderous Taliban.
Christian-majority nations
have benefitted from reformation — the realization that theocratic rule belongs
to the past. Muslim groups don’t speak of reform.
They, instead, generally
speak of revivifying a time when rule by scripture and the religious elite gave
Islam dominance over the rest of the world.
The fact is that such a past
exists only in the imagination. It was not scripture and the religious elite
that gave dominance, for there was always a battle for power. The religious
elite were always marginalized, and the greatest advancement of Islamic glory
came when there was something akin to modern secularism, i.e., that science and
research was done by scholars from the different religions and governance was
done by those who focused more on administration than by insisting on a vision
of Islamic righteousness.
Muslim leaders, here in the
United States and abroad, have to come to grips with reality.
There will never be any
return to any heyday for Islam. Right now, they need to focus on reform and
secular governance.
Without those, they will
obliterate themselves through fighting with each other over who truly
represents a God that increasingly appears to be some imagined monster ordering
cosmic bigotry than an actual being in whom progress
and admirable values are sought.
is a professor in San Diego State University’s Religious Studies department.
Posted January 11, 2015. This article was published in the U~T
San Diego on December 25, 2014. It is posted here with the author’s