
Allama Dr. Ibn Yusuf Khaleel Al-Corentini studied Islam (specializing in law) in Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Yemen according to the Sunni, Shia, and Zaydi madhaahib respectively. He completed his graduate studies in the West, adding Judaism and Christianity to his areas of specialization. His Ph.D was in Islamic Law (Shari'a), and it was made possible by an FCAR Fellowship from the government of Quebec, Canada. His scholarly works include writings on eschatology, Islamic belief and practice, and translations of religious literature by other scholars. Dr. Ibn Yusuf was also a member of the steering committee of the Inter-religious Center for Public Life, a joint project of the Andover-Newton Theological Seminary and Hebrew College, Boston. He was the first Kraft-Hiatt postdoctoral fellow in Islamic Studies at Brandeis Unversity, MA, where his research was in the image of the Jew in the hadith literature. He was professor of religion studies at San Diego State University.