fasting: Modern opposition to age-old rules
Tehmina Kazi
It's that time of year again.
Gentle squabbles over moon sightings, the stockpiling of frozen samosas, and
the dreaded "Ramadan breath", which means we have to keep a miswak
teeth-cleaning stick (or, more likely, a toothbrush) on us at all times. For
tomorrow is the start of Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic calendar.
This kicks off four weeks of
introspection (maybe), God-consciousness (hopefully) and abstinence from food,
water, smoking and marital sex (you're having a laugh, aren't you?) during daylight
hours. The only exemptions from fasting are for older people or those with
medical conditions, as well as children (who may fast if they wish to).
Further, menstruating women can expect a break during their time of the month.
Faced with the intricacies and
possible etiquette blips of these rituals in a country where non-Muslims are in
the majority, you'd think advice from a compassionate and highly intelligent
scholar would be lapped up. However, over the past few days, my Facebook feed
has been heaving with high-handed dismissals of Dr. Usama Hasan's excellent
juristic opinion, or fatwa, on the
reduction of fasting hours. He reasons that summertime fasts in northern Europe
are far longer than they were possibly intended to be, with the worshipper receiving
only five hours of eating and drinking time in one 24-hour period. After going
through the religious precedents in detail, he encourages people who want to
keep these long fasts to continue, but states that it is acceptable for others
to keep 12- or 16-hour fasts if that is more comfortable for them.
The original principle of the
fast (empathy with the poor, charity, service to humanity) is maintained, but
it is fused with common sense and an awareness of practical considerations.
This goes a step further than the usual dispensations for Muslims whose health
is affected, and has ruffled a lot of feathers. Social-media blatherers wrongly accused Dr. Hasan of instituting 12-hour
fasts for all British Muslims, and tried to make out that he was subordinating
God's will to the "desires" of human beings, failing to see that one
of the highest virtues is actually reason.
The issue of fasting becomes
even more politicised when children are concerned.
Even under orthodox interpretations of Islamic law, as mentioned above, fasting
is not obligatory for those who have not entered puberty. This doesn't stop
some parents and children going ahead with the practice in school hours,
One primary-school trust grew
so concerned about children fainting, becoming ill or missing out on parts of
the curriculum, that it banned fasting this month. Justin James, the chief
executive of the Lion Academy Trust, which covers a number of schools in east
London, cited the delicate balancing act of the school's obligations under
child-protection law versus working with the local communities it serves. It is
a balance that my organisation, British Muslims for
Secular Democracy, knows only too well. We recently received funding to revise
and update our advice for schools, which helps teachers to negotiate these
thorny issues, establish open channels of communication with parents, and find
the best outcome for everyone concerned.
In many Muslim communities,
there is a knee-jerk negative reaction to anything progressive or sensible,
with certain people assuming that these measures automatically "water
down" the faith. This is borne of an insecurity which deems the most
severe version of a religion to be the most "authentic", and means
that dissenting voices end up feeling isolated and unheard. A friend was
recently looking to interview some non-fasting Muslims in Yorkshire. Hardly
anyone answered her call, and her original request was met with snorts of
derision on Facebook.
Contrary to what the snorters may think, their actions represent a departure
from the spirit of this month, where people are supposed to work on their own
spirituality and actions. Some of my best Ramadan memories involve dishing out
fried chicken to homeless people at Lincoln's Inn (with Muslims and non-Muslims),
and having the accompanying dhal and bananas handed right back with a cheeky
grin. It would be great to see more of these events emblazoned on to the public
consciousness, rather than toy-throwing defensiveness and exceptionalism.
Tehmina Kazi is the Director
of British Muslims for Secular Democracy
Webmaster’s note: This article was first published in The
Independent on June 16, 2015, it is posted here with the author’s
permission. We at For People Who Think have been advocating a similar approach
for more than a decade as shown in this Q&A.
June 26, 2015